"TETWP" night "working the arena" with Jay-2 Sankey Rodeo pick-up man.
The 40th Annual N.I.L.E. Pro-Rodeo this year was really special to me, it was in my hometown and this year I got to represent Montana as Miss Teen Rodeo Montana. I left Wednesday afternoon right after a math exam and drove to Billings in the pouring rain and luckily made it in one piece.
When I finally arrived I met with my 2nd mother Deb Brettin and she lined me out for the next four days of Professional Rodeo activities. I then did a photo shoot with the Billings Gazette for the "Tough Enough To Wear Pink" a fund raiser event that was sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank and St. Vincent Hospital.
It was really rainy and cold the first night, but it could have been worse. Before the rodeo I also got to be interviewed on the five o'clock news with KULR 8, Billings television station. I had been running around all that afternoon and hadn't gotten an chance to eat much that day, but I was so excited for the rodeo I forgot all about it. Before the rodeo I got to also meet up with visiting Rodeo Royalty from all across the state who had come down for the weekend. All of the girls did a wonderful job and made the rodeo queen image look awesome! I didn't get to help out with the "opening" of the rodeo but I got to push stock out of the arena and carry sponsor flags, Deb probably had about 15 flags! I also got to be with Vanessa Hardy(Megs little sis) Lacey and Elly Langager, and Shelby Sundheim. You gilrs did a GREAT job with the "Sponsor" flags and the "Opening".
Mutton-Bustin "sign-ups"
My mom had Janie and Jennika O'Neil stay with us and it was great so see them again. We stayed with them from my very first rodeo of the year, the 47th Annual Belt PRCA Rodeo and it was nice to return the favor. Jennika is the 2007-2008 Little Miss Big Sky Pro Rodeo Princess and they also took home something special this year, Janie bought a yearling gelding at the horse sale!Jack and I promoting the NILE Rodeo!
The next day, I got to sleep in a little so that I wouldn't be totally exhausted by the end of the weekend. Deb also had miniature pony rides set up and entertained all of the little kids. It was exciting to be in my hometown and get to see all of my Angus friends and see people who I hadn't seen in a while. I hung out in the Angus barn for a little bit and then I was off to another night of rodeo. The first night I got to ride SPOT my FAVORITE black "Sankey Rodeo" horse. I got to test out a few different black horses that weekend and ended up riding 3 out of 4 of them. I got to carry flags every night on SPOT and I would have taken him home if I could have, he is such a solid horse!
Kate Ruland and Robin Nansel put on a queen clinic during the N.I.L.E. for girls who want to improve their queen abilities. I got to tag along and be a part of what they were doing. We got to go to the Rocky Mountain College Equestrian Center, learn about makeup, speeches, impromptu, hear stories from MRM 06' Cassidy Han, plus the girls got to meet with Mr. Ike Sankey to hear what he expects out of a rodeo queen. I think it was a wonderful clinic and it was great so see so many girls who are running in January for both Miss Rodeo Montana and Miss Teen Rodeo Montana.
Saturday morning, I was off to Shiptons (Big R) to sign autographs with some PRCA cowboys, bull fighters, and Dennis Halsted (PRCA Clown). After that I helped out with the "Kiddie Rodeo" and then I got to do something that always makes me appreciate what I have and holds a SPECIAL spot in my heart. I got to attend the Annual Kids and Cowboys reception to meet children who are survivors or who have cancer. It's so heart warming to see their little faces light up when they see all the queens walk in and how much it means to them get our autographs.
Thank you card from all the children who attended the Kids and Cowboys reception.
The last night of the rodeo was my favorite and ultimately the best! Everything moved so smoothly and it was Championship night so the best of the best were competing. I have to say that I will really missed Megan (she was in Japan) and this being my last Rodeo before Circuit Finals.
I have had a WONDERFUL year!
I had such a wonderful time at the N.I.L.E. and couldn't have asked for a better rodeo and I thank everyone who helped me throughout the week and I can't believe that before we know it Megan will be competing for Miss Rodeo America and then it will be MRM pageant time again!
I hope all of you girls are studying up and I wish you all the very best of luck!
Until then,
Lorissa Harris
MTRM 07'