After three hours of me sleeping, we arrived. We ate at subway and the people there told us that our function was at the Yogo Inn. When we got to the Yogo Inn they had no idea what we were talking about. After a little investigating we finally figured out were we were suppose to be and the festivities began.
We got to try on the most beautiful furs and fell in love with almost all of them. There was raffle for a fur, and Megan and I bought tickets hoping to get lucky.
I only bought one knowing I had not chance and Megan bought three. She wanted this one white fur more than anything and it was a pretty funny thing to watch. Unfortunately she didn't win but we still had a good time.
We were suppose to be in the trap setting contest, but I had no idea how to set one and neither did Megan, and I didn't want to do it wrong and snap one of my fingers off!!
We did take part in the skillet tossing contest and if it wasn't for all the late entries I would have been at least in the top 2 but instead I finished 4th. 

We were suppose to be in the trap setting contest, but I had no idea how to set one and neither did Megan, and I didn't want to do it wrong and snap one of my fingers off!!

After, dinner we got to help hand out special awards to those who have accomplished great things throughout the year. Then we got to model the furs! Kate Rueland was also there modeling and it was her 7th year modeling and it was great to see her. I also got to model the last fur which was a sheered beaver fur that had been hand painted with flowers and pearls, it was really pretty and really expensive. After the fashion show we helped with the auction and Ed IV bought a teddy bear made of some kind of fur and gave it to me and Megan got a gold purse! It was funny because she wanted my teddy bear and I got to tease her with it!
After our day with the fur trappers we went back to our hotel room and had an interesting night. It had gotten pretty cold in Lewistown and we didn't really know how to turn on our heater and Megan said she didn't want to kill us if it was a propane heater. So instead we slept in sweats and sweaters. Megan had on three shirts and her hood from her sweater and we had to cuddle to stay warm! All of the interesting things that happen on trips, at least give us good stories for later on down the road!
Now, I'm back at school trying to figure everything out without getting overwhelmed. This weekend is the first football game so I'm planning on going to that. Go Bobcats!!

Until then,
After our day with the fur trappers we went back to our hotel room and had an interesting night. It had gotten pretty cold in Lewistown and we didn't really know how to turn on our heater and Megan said she didn't want to kill us if it was a propane heater. So instead we slept in sweats and sweaters. Megan had on three shirts and her hood from her sweater and we had to cuddle to stay warm! All of the interesting things that happen on trips, at least give us good stories for later on down the road!
Now, I'm back at school trying to figure everything out without getting overwhelmed. This weekend is the first football game so I'm planning on going to that. Go Bobcats!!

Until then,
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