On April 30th I was off to Lewistown for a Tough Enough to Wear Pink dinner, auction, and fashion show fundraiser. Since I was only going to be gone overnight, my Corgi “Quigly” came along for a little company since I tend to travel alone most of the time. A note of interest – Lewistown is the exact geographical center of Montana … very deserving of the Central Montana designation!
This was the first year for the “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” event, and it holds special meaning for me since I work on the Inpatient Cancer Care Floor at the Billings Clinic. The dinner and auction was held at the Pine Meadow’s Golf Course and everything was covered or decorated in Pink! The evening started with a fabulous prime rib dinner followed by three strong cancer survivors who recounted their courageous stories fighting cancer. Then the fashion show started! I was the first one out on the runway, dressed in my Tough Enough to Wear Pink outfit. Jimmy Harrison “the Hat Man” was kind enough to let me borrow one of the new pink hats he handcrafted which was a huge hit! This first outfit included my pink chaps, which rounded out the “pink” look. I was the last model on the show, and wore a pink Wrangler shirt, given to me by the Ladies of Central Montana with their logo embroidered on it.
Overall, it was a great evening and I met a lot of wonderful people. I look forward to working with various Tough Enough to Wear Pink groups around the state in their efforts to raise money for Cancer Awareness. Soon, I am off to Helena to take part in “Rodeo Day”, a fun and learning experience about rodeo for Helena Middle School 6th graders.
Until next time,
Lorissa Harris
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